
Moving Beyond Just Knowing: The Benefits of Learning to Do and Learn to Be

In today's rapidly changing world, it is no longer enough to simply know information. In the 21st century, it is increasingly important to not only learn to do, but also to learn to be. At Acton Academy, we understand the importance of this shift and have implemented a unique educational model that focuses on developing students' skills and character, rather than just their knowledge.

At Acton Academy, we believe that students should be given the opportunity to learn through hands-on experience and real-world problem solving. Our educational model is centered on the concept of apprenticeships, where students work on projects and challenges that allow them to apply their knowledge and skills in a meaningful way. This approach not only helps students to better retain and understand the information they are learning, but also helps them to develop important skills such as collaboration, communication, and problem solving.

In addition to learning to do, Acton Academy also places a strong emphasis on character development. We believe that it is just as important for students to learn to be responsible, compassionate, and self-directed individuals as it is for them to learn academics. We do this through our "Honor Code," which encourages students to take ownership of their own learning and to hold themselves to a high standard of character.

Other schools can shift from a focus on knowledge to a focus on doing and being by incorporating hands-on learning opportunities and character development into their curricula. This can involve incorporating apprenticeships, project-based learning, or service learning into the classroom, as well as emphasizing character education through activities such as role-playing, community service, and leadership development.

In the 21st century it is crucial for students to learn to do and learn to be in addition to learning to know. Acton Academy is leading the way in this shift, and other schools can follow suit by incorporating hands-on learning and character development into their educational models. By doing so, schools can better prepare their students for success in the real world.